May is traditionally celebrated in the Church as the Month of Mary. One of the beautiful traditions of Catholic piety in our Diocese is for parishes to have a May Crowning. This venerable tradition is one to hold onto as a way of both promoting and celebrating our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to foster solid and tender devotion to our Holy Mother.
Among his many titles, Saint Joseph is known as “Patron of Workers”. While March 19th is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary, the May 1st Optional Memorial of St Joseph the Worker was established in 1955 by the Servant of God, Pope Pius XII, both to honor St. Joseph as Patron of Workers, as well as to hold up the ideal that while work is good for the human person, God makes work for man, not man for work.
The Rosary Prayer Group is collecting rosaries and religious medals for Father Mike to take with him when he visits Uganda. Many of us receive rosaries in the mail from religious groups. This is a good way to put these religious items in the hands of others who need them. Please place your items in the basket in the Vestibule and thank you for your help with this project.
As COVID restrictions are being lifted, all pews in the church may now be used. However, it is recommended that you maintain social distancing such as sitting on the ends or in the middle of a pew. Masks are still required at this time.